本期决定破例寫關於一匹我從未騎過但卻認識了很久的馬 - 開心人。牠今年17 歲, 仍然在生, 多年來一直養在香港騎術中心供人作習騎之用。
具 10 年左右資歷的馬迷應不会對這匹 1995 年度遮打杯平頭冠軍感到陌生。他1992-3 年馬季以自購馬身份來港, 於第二班起步後長期在頂班及級际賽中競逐, 共跑 32 場得 6 冠 7 位, 短短三季裡為馬主 (即現役馬 "開心" 的馬主麥先生) 贏得HKD6,500,000 獎金 (須知當年獎金較現時低得多)。牠於 1996 年夏天退役, 原因不詳。

幸好事態後來有了轉機。大約兩年前, 該中心由幾位居港超過 20 年的外藉馬術專業人士接手經營, 在各方面都進行了改善, 使中心的馬匹得到細心適當的照顧。兩星期前我應新股東之一 Alison King (即香港首席盛装舞步"Dressage" 騎手) 之邀前往參觀, 除了感覺
煥然一新之外,最感欣慰的是見到馬房管理正規化地操作, 及中心內
的馬匹狀況良好; 其中當然包括開心人。這位老朋友的眼神及身體語言像在告訴我: "我仍在這裡, 我憑強如鋼鐵的身驅及堅毅的意志生存了下來, 我現在沒礙了, 但這些年來很艱苦, 我老了。" 我一邊輕撫牠一邊細聲說: "老朋友, 不要担心, 他們会照顧你... 噩夢巳經過去, 今天外面陽光遍地, 放心吧..."
( 圖: 開心人1995 年遮打杯和 "有性格" 鬥至平頭冠軍; 其餘三幅攝於五星期前。贏遮打杯時毛色為深灰, 現巳近全白; 畢竟巳17 歲, 早年又得不到適當的照顧, 老了....据Alison King 說, 牠現在主要的工作, 只是給小童騎著由馬伕牽引行圈。)
在此順便為大家介紹一下現今的香港騎術中心。自兩年前由新管理層接手後, 該中心現巳成為一所具水平的騎術學校, 提供的服務除了認真的馬術學習課程, 亦有輕鬆的策騎消遣。中心共有15 匹經重訓及狀况良好的退役馬, 另有6 匹給兒童用的小馬。逢週未中心內設有燒烤設施供一家大小使用, 另外還可在大自然的環境裡與中心飼養的小動物近距离接触, 對於長期困於繁囂鬧巿的香港家庭 (特別是小孩), 絕對是個對身心俱有益處的體驗。詳情可致电 2488 6886 向 Cathy 查詢。(聲明: 筆者和該中心沒有任何利益關係, 中心亦未曾要求我為其作任何介紹。)
For this second issue of Old Friends, I would like to make an exception in that the subject is not a horse that I have ridden, although I have known him for many years. The subject is Survey King, a horse for whom I have a great amount of sympathy. He is now 17, and has for many years been a club horse for hire stabled at the Hong Kong Equestrian Center (formerly the oddly named HK Riding Union).
For racing fans who started in the mid 1990s, this former Champions and Chater Cup winner (1995) would not be a stranger. He arrived in Hong Kong as a private purchase (PP) during the 1992-3 racing season, and save for the first season was always racing in top company during his 4-season career, during which time he earned HKD6.5 million for his owner Mr. Mak (who now owns Survey Survey). In view of the much lower level of prize money in those days, what he achieved was impressive. After struggling for a whole season, he was retired not long after his last race in June 1996.
His owner, however, did not make any arrangements for his life after retirement. Like all horses that were effectively abandoned by their owners, he was sent to Beas Rivers. There he resided for a brief period, after which he was transfered to the former HK Riding Union, a public riding stable in Shek Kong. The HK Riding Union was poorly run, and its management lacked commitment and expertise in practically every aspect of equine and stable management. The place was appalling; and over the years Survey King has had his share of hardship and disasters together with the others that were stabled there. I remember how saddened I was by the sight of his poor mental and physical condition about 5 years ago, when I first visited the place out of curiosity.
Although quite unexpectedly, a change of luck occured about 2 years ago. By then a group of veteran ex-patriate equestrian professionals and enthusiasts had taken over the place and its management, and made various improvements to it. Renamed "Hong Kong Equestrian Center", I recently had the pleasure of re-visiting it at the invitation of Alison King, one of its new shareholders and Hong Kong's top dressage rider. Despite the absence of any major physical alteration, I distinctly sensed a refreshingly new lease of life throughout the facility and a budding equestrian culture that simply had not existed there before. And gratifyingly the horses there provided the reinforcement that my sensations were looking for. They were well looked after and in good physical condition, and mentally they seemed mostly relaxed; I could only imagine the amount of conscientious work that had to be put in to bring those that survived back to this state from the broken bodies and souls that they had been only just 2 years ago!
And there stood my old friend Survey King. His eyes and body language seemed to be saying: " I'm still here; with steely bones and fortitude I have survived... I'm ok now, but I'm also getting really old, those rough years have taken a toll on me." I stroked him gently along his forehead and muzzle, and whispered: " Don't worry old boy, you're now in good hands , the nightmare is over, it's a sunny day outside, you can relax now..."
(Photos: Survey King winning the 1995 Chater Cup, and at HK Equestrian Center 5 weeks ago. From the dark grey champion in 1995, age has turned his coat into all white. He looked older than his 17 years, most probably because of years of inadequate care in the past. According to Alison King, he is now only used for hand-lead children's ride.)
Hong Kong Equestrian Center
Since being taken over by the present management about 2 years ago, it has developed into a proper and professionally managed equestrian facility. It caters for both serious equestrian pursuit and lesisure riding experiences. There are 15 well trained school horses in good condition and 6 ponies for children. Group and private lessons from beginner level upwards with qualified instructors are available. The center also provides family BBQ packages on weekends as part of the natural outdoor experience that includes horses, ponies, and small farm animals. For those HK children that hardly ever get an opportunity to enjoy the splendour and learn the importance of nature, the weekend program could provide them with an entertaining as well as educational experience. For details call Cathy of the HK Equestrian Center on 2488 6886. (Statement: The blogowner has no interest in the HK Equestrian Center, nor has anyone there requested that I introduce it in this blog.)
8 則留言:
其後依間騎術學校換人.即你識既alison king ,lionel dunning..我就係第一個返黎幫手既人..當時隻隻馬不論皮膚..健康都好差..我仲記得當時全部馬房得兩個人做.好辛苦做了三個月之後全部馬唔同哂..可惜開心人已經嚴重腰傷..只能比beginner 之用..慘
Dear Nelson,
您好! 多謝您的留言。我們以前見過面嗎?
賽馬最可恥的一面, 就是馬匹退役後的處境。能享有良好际遇的只占總體中很少的數目。近年馬会投放在退役馬身上的資源明顯減少, 以$40,000 進口付加費使馬主將退役馬送往外國的手段亦不奏效; 被送往中國的馬匹命运難料。因此着實需要提高公眾在這方面的關注, 增加強輿論壓力, 方能改善情况。為此我剛在 Yahoo 成立了一個 Group (聯盟), 希望能盡我一分力。如您愿意, 歡迎您加入。Group 網址為: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/my-horses/
Paul P Chow
開心人0既命運著實一點也不開心 ! 當時最高峰之作當然是與有性格在遮打杯鬥至平頭, 但在那時人們心目中的偶像只有有性格,開心人似乎一直只倫為配角. 退役後的一段時間從周生呢個 blog 得知亦並非過得很好,一匹遮打杯冠軍, 曾為馬主拚得 650 萬獎金的佳駟但得不到應有的照顧,也許, 開心人只是馬主一廂情願, 以自己開心為目標而起,不是嗎? 你的名字叫做開心人, 而不是開心馬呀 !
另外, 小弟很想知道畢生愛駒及時而出的近況, 未知周生能否相告? 謝謝.
Dear Jan,
及時而出巳於大概巳于10 年前离世。牠是我將寫的馬匹之一 (大約壹個月後左右)。
多謝留言, 請繼續支持及將本blog 告知其它網友, thank you.
Paul P CHow
(1) 彩虹戰士好乖好聽話。
(2) 隻隻馬都有皮膚病丫
(3) 最記得呢樣…有人講過"馬死左換過第二隻",果時有個同事根本唔鍾意馬,會打馬…就講出黎當笑話