每匹馬除了有不同的外形及毛色, 還有牠的獨特性格。在我的記憶中, 後者更堪回味、所佔位置亦更珍貴。說到個性, 我印像最深刻的是 "金源"。牠亦是我最懷念的馬匹之一。

那個暑假金源由我一人策騎, 負責牠曰後轉作馬術用途的基本訓練, 很多時連洗馬行街乾身都由我親手做。幾個月下來的相處, 使我對牠感到一份深厚的感情。牠在訓練過程中顯露出的忠誠和勇氣, 至今我仍能深深感受, 牠在馬房內外的那份尊嚴和温馴, 27 年後依然歷歷在目!
幾個月的暑假轉眼便過去, 我亦要回美國開學了。那時我每年只能於暑期回港, 兼且資訊遠不如今日般方便, 因此 在接著的一年中雖然很惦記著金源, 但對牠的情况卻不太清楚, 只知牠被一位英藉少女領養了作為私家馬。該少女名 Christine Whithey, 騎術不俗, 由她領養我亦大致放心。一年後的暑假終於再見到金源, 見牠體形圓胖了不少, 神色亦不俗, 顯示牠受到適當的照顏顧, 令我感到很欣慰。但那個夏天亦是我最後一次見到金源, 因為Christine 來自英軍家庭, 她的父母不久後將金源轉去在羅湖的英軍騎術俱樂部眷養。據聞幾年後金源因腳患被人道毁滅; 事實如何, 除非能找到 Christine, 否則在今天巳無從稽考。(我將嘗試翻查馬會獸醫部記綠, 如有資料將會在日後的張帖中告訴大家。)
幾個月的暑假轉眼便過去, 我亦要回美國開學了。那時我每年只能於暑期回港, 兼且資訊遠不如今日般方便, 因此 在接著的一年中雖然很惦記著金源, 但對牠的情况卻不太清楚, 只知牠被一位英藉少女領養了作為私家馬。該少女名 Christine Whithey, 騎術不俗, 由她領養我亦大致放心。一年後的暑假終於再見到金源, 見牠體形圓胖了不少, 神色亦不俗, 顯示牠受到適當的照顏顧, 令我感到很欣慰。但那個夏天亦是我最後一次見到金源, 因為Christine 來自英軍家庭, 她的父母不久後將金源轉去在羅湖的英軍騎術俱樂部眷養。據聞幾年後金源因腳患被人道毁滅; 事實如何, 除非能找到 Christine, 否則在今天巳無從稽考。(我將嘗試翻查馬會獸醫部記綠, 如有資料將會在日後的張帖中告訴大家。)
在賽馬世界裡有一句話: 一匹真正的冠軍 (champion) 是不受路程和場地局限或影响的。金源在 1972 至 1980 年間共跑了 46 場賽事, 在長期負 135 至 154 磅的情况下得14 勝 16 位, 取勝路程由975m 至 2230m, 場地包括軟爛乾快。牠在盛年過後卻能再闖高峰, 在1800m 以紀錄時擊敗當時的馬王永勝更是香港賽馬經典的一幕!
金源 - 一匹真正的 Champion, 實至名歸的王者 !
圖: 1) 金源 1980年6月剛退役不久攝於双魚河; 2) 我與金源於1980 年7 月某清晨; 3) 1981 年夏天, 退役一年後的金源; 4,5,6) 賽馬天下資料圖片
圖: 1) 金源 1980年6月剛退役不久攝於双魚河; 2) 我與金源於1980 年7 月某清晨; 3) 1981 年夏天, 退役一年後的金源; 4,5,6) 賽馬天下資料圖片
Apart from its different color and confirmation, however miniscule the difference may be, each horse has their unique personality and character. While looks could differentiate them, it's the latter that realy sets them apart. When it comes down to strength of character, there is no other in my recollection that was more substantial than the veteran champion Money Talks.

He arrived at Beas River in the beginning of the summer in 1980 after the ninth and final season of his career which started in HK 1972. I was the first person there to take him out for a ride. During that era Beas River was much less developed and had quite a bit more open space, and the concrete trail that led from the stables to the padocks was unnerving to almost all new arrivals. But not to Money Talks; he walked briskly and steadily, head held high with ears pricked forward, his handsome head swerving just slightly on occassions as he sized up his new surroundings. I had taken hundreds of horses through their maiden passage on this trail, but never did I feel such authority and confidence beneath me.
I spent that whole summer with Money Talks, taking him through the basics for his future career as an equestrian horse. As a labor of love, I often did the hosing and hot walking myself. My affection for him grew with each passing day.

That same summer also marked the last time I saw Money Talks. Christine's parents had military backgorund, and they decided to stable Money Talks at the Services Saddle Club at Lo Wu. I was still studying abroad. Several years later I heard he was put down due to leg problems. The only way I could find out the exact details is to track down Christine Whithey, or go into the Jockey Club's veterinary records, which I'll try (if the 1980s records are still being kept).
In racing we say that a real champion can win over any distance and on any going. Between 1972 and 1980, Money Talks ran 46 times for 12 wins and 16 placings, from 975m to 2230m, on fast, good, yielding, and heavy tracks. His comeback as an 8 year old in 1978 to beat another champion Super Win in record time over 1800m still remains one of the most classic and emotional moments in the history of HK racing.
Money Talks - not just a champion, but a magnificent champion!
Photos: 1) Not long after arriving at Beas River, May 1980; 2) Money Talks and I on an early summer morning; 3) One year later at Beas River, rounder and heavier; 4,5,6) Archive photos courtesy of Racing World Publications.
6 則留言:
珍貴的 post ! 謝謝您的分享 !
Dear Ball's,
I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. Please spread the word around, so that more people can share the interest. Thank you.
Nice article and fantastic photos. Thanks for your sharing.
Dear Bill,
Glad you like the blog. Please spread the word around about it so that more can share the interest. Lots of new postings coming up in the weeks and months ahead...
Thank you !
It was a fantastic experience to see your "blog of old friedns". When my eldest uncle took me to the Happy Valley to watch horse racing when i was only 7 years old (33 years ago). Since then i started to see the horse racing column in the newspaper and the TV programme. I can still remember the old good times when i needed to have furtive watching the horse racing without letting my father knew what i was concentrated. Reminiscence of my youth, i spent most time in studying horse race rather than my school study but i never felt regretted about it. Although i have been stationed in Beijing for almost 8 years now and i never stop paid attention to the horse racing, albeit i have quit gambling for 5 years, i watched the live broadcast over the PPStream every horse racing days. Your blog has brought good memories of those glamorous horse like 金源, 永勝, 番灘, 馬并捷, 超捷, 嘉瑞. I am a great fans of Moore families ever since. Thanks for you all and if you have any old good photos and please keep doing it. I will definitely support your blog and read it every week.
Dear Frankie,
thanks for your compliments...i'm glad you enjoy the blog...please tell your friends about the blog and spread the word around, so that more can share the interest...it's more fun that way