2 June 2007 - New posting on my racing blog "My Horses"
威龍 - 另類經典 American Eagle - An Alternate Classic

今期的主角要追遡到整整三十年前。閣下如記得 "威龍" 這匹馬 (不是幾年前由希斯訓練的那匹), 你肯定是位極為資深的馬迷。决定寫這匹馬有幾個原因。首先是因為我於 1982 至 1984 幾年的暑假裡經常策騎牠, 其次乃因牠是香港賽馬史上其中一幕另類經典的一位主角, 另外就是因為我後來曾一度是牠的馬主 "美國會所團體" 的成員之一。

至此我頓然明白威龍的競賽成就及局限。牠體形偏細小, 體高僅15.1 掌, 但形格卻均衡對稱, 骨格強壯, 肌肉豐滿, 固此牠能在70 年代尾80 年代初的一、二班立下3 win 多位的戰功。但牠卻不幸地同時承受了過多純種馬百多年來因近親繁稙所產生的神經質元素 (exess nervous energy), 使牠的競賽成就未能更進一步。此外牠的個性亦異常倔強, 若牠不願意的話, 無論如向何訓練及誘導, 效果只得事倍功半。這亦解釋了為何大師如柏葛、繆沙等都拿牠沒辦法, 但卻在造詣極普通的牌仔莫理斯(練馬師卡法蘭的義子)袴下三奪頭馬。原因只有一個: 牠只願意受莫理斯駕馭! 盡管你柏葛神功蓋世、譽滿全球, 都只是世人對你的讚嘆, 在馬兒的眼中只和蹄下的泥屑無異, 不值一盼! 像威龍般個性的馬其實很少, 有緣遇到, 足以使你對馬匹的靈性有更深一層的體會。

威龍服役時為70年代尾80年代初祿怡老摩稱王的日子。那時雖然一切都沒有現時般先進, 既沒有大形的國際賽, 更加沒有香港自己的世界馬王, 但卻有重特別的色彩, 使之成為一個令人懷緬的時代: 現代化的進程冲擊著地道的賽馬文化, 所產生的火花不斷帶來驚喜和期待; 東渡的柏葛、畢奇、戴來、魏德禮、夏達等帶來的除了可媲美藝術家的功架, 還有他們個人的魅力。相對現下彌漫著的怨氣和無奈, 那時的馬圈可謂百花競放, 美不勝收! 不錯, 現今我們懂得談血统、講步速、論偏差、說國際化, 但卻偏偏缺少過去仿似小孩子走進玩具城時所感到的那股興奮與期待!

圖: 1) 威龍和金碧的经典一戰 (賽馬天下資料圖片)。 圖中可見柏葛 (紅帽) 眼角瞄向對手, 左手有所動作; 2) 威龍1982 十歲時年攝於雙魚河; 3) 2002 年 12 月在港宴請柏葛, 終得以和兒時的偶像会面, 卻因太興奮而忘了問他當年和畢奇一戰的細節。現年72 歲的柏葛曾於本月中因心臟不適在瑞士接受深切治療, 據聞巳無礙。我作為馬主最大的憾事之一, 就是柏葛巳退休, 使我的馬匹永遠無緣由其策騎出賽!
Everything about American Eagle surrounded his "alternate" outlook. From his temperament, personality, to his racing areer, the echoes of this word run deep and throughout.
I have decided to feature him as the subject of this issue firstly because I used to ride him very frequently during the summers of 1982 and 1983, and remember the experience very fondly. Another reason being he was at the centre of an alternate classic in Hong Kong's racing history. And finally because I later became a member of the American Club Racing Syndicate which had owned and raced him.
American Eagle, or Felix as he was fondly called by Andrea Greco who had him on livery since he retired in 1982, was merely described to me by her as being "lively" before I rode him for the first time. Although an American, years of living in colonial Hong Kong had given her the penchant to talk in typical British understatement. With this knowledge in mind I was cautious from the minute I hopped on Felix. My caution was well-founded, as Felix spooked and twisted and turned in almost every direction as soon as he was in the paddock. Settling him down required a mixture of firmess and finesse (and a good seat!), but when he did settle I was treated to one of the most beautiful set of gaits I can remember.
By then I understood why Felix's racing career panned out the way it did. Although he stood at only 15.1 hands, his had a well balanced conformation, supported by a solid and muscular frame. He had enough natural ability to land 3 winners and multiple placings in class 1 and class 2 company. But his natural ability was compromised by his excess nervous energy; and his headstrong personality did not help either, as he clearly had a mind of his own and only did what he wanted. This could possibly explain why he only went well with the modestly-talented claimer E Morris, while top class jockeys such as Lester Piggott and Joe Mercer could not make him budge. Horses like Felix are indeed rare, and the perspective into the psyche of such a horse is nothing less than fascinating.
Notwithstanding the fact that he would not budge with Lester Piggott, it was Piggott who partnered Felix in one of the most memorable alternate classics in Hong Kong Racing. January 17, 1979, Felix and Grasshopper Green duelled for most of the 1400m trip under a cloud of seeming Anglo-French rivalry. At the 200m mark something extraordiary was going on, as Piggot and French ace Phillipe Paquet appeared to be exchanging blows with their whips. Some said that Piggott pushed Grasshopper Green with his hand, others said that he whipped Paquet who retaliated in the same manner. In the end Felix went down by a head, and Piggott was fined $5,000 (about $50,000 in today's value). Piggott must have thought that he was merely exercising his poetic license. And rightly so! Since only Piggott could have had the audacity to do what he did, and only Piggott could have gotten away with it as the rest of the world could only watch in awe! (I was studying in America and most regretably did not witness this epic battle.)
Felix raced mostly in the mid-late 70s and early 80s. Those were the days of Silver Lining and the Moore clan. Although much less sophisticated and developed compared to the present day, there was a very special flavour to that era which makes one look back with nostalgia. Interaction between new ideas and local racing customs and culture brought endless surprises and eager anticipation; yearly migration of the likes of Piggott, Eddery, Paquet, Taylor, Mercer, and Hartack opened our eyes with their craft and charisma. In stark contrast to the ennui and resignation that cloud present day racing, it was an era that was overwhelmingly upbeat and energetic. That unsupressable "buzz" and precious enthusiasm could have been the price that we unknowingly paid for the sophistication and worldly acclaim that we have since gained.
As Hong Kong racing took off in the 80s and early 90s, Felix was growing old at Beas River. Despite his limitations in his equestrian role and the financial pressure she was facing herself, Andrea stuck with and looked after Felix until the end. He was a lucky horse. On 8 March 1993, not long after turning 20, he was put down due to chronic leg problems under an aging body. According to Andrea, he had never lost that mind of his own, down to the last minute.
As Hong Kong racing took off in the 80s and early 90s, Felix was growing old at Beas River. Despite his limitations in his equestrian role and the financial pressure she was facing herself, Andrea stuck with and looked after Felix until the end. He was a lucky horse. On 8 March 1993, not long after turning 20, he was put down due to chronic leg problems under an aging body. According to Andrea, he had never lost that mind of his own, down to the last minute.
Photos: 1) An alternate classic: Felix and Grasshopper Green 200m from the post (photo courtesy of Racing World Publication). Marking his opponent from the corner of his eye, Piggott's (red cap) left arm went to work; 2) Felix at 10 years, at Beas River circa summer 1983; 3) with Lester Piggott and mutual friend Harry Hiranand in Hong Kong, December 2003. Too excited at meeting my childhood idol, I forgot to ask Lester about the details of his epic battle with Philippe Paquet 24 years ago. Lester is now recovering from a heart discomfort earlier this month which placed him under intensive care in a Swiss hospital. As an owner, never having had Lester aboard my horses will forever remain a major regret.
開心人 - 雨過天青 Survey King - Como eu sofro!!!

本期决定破例寫關於一匹我從未騎過但卻認識了很久的馬 - 開心人。牠今年17 歲, 仍然在生, 多年來一直養在香港騎術中心供人作習騎之用。
具 10 年左右資歷的馬迷應不会對這匹 1995 年度遮打杯平頭冠軍感到陌生。他1992-3 年馬季以自購馬身份來港, 於第二班起步後長期在頂班及級际賽中競逐, 共跑 32 場得 6 冠 7 位, 短短三季裡為馬主 (即現役馬 "開心" 的馬主麥先生) 贏得HKD6,500,000 獎金 (須知當年獎金較現時低得多)。牠於 1996 年夏天退役, 原因不詳。

幸好事態後來有了轉機。大約兩年前, 該中心由幾位居港超過 20 年的外藉馬術專業人士接手經營, 在各方面都進行了改善, 使中心的馬匹得到細心適當的照顧。兩星期前我應新股東之一 Alison King (即香港首席盛装舞步"Dressage" 騎手) 之邀前往參觀, 除了感覺
煥然一新之外,最感欣慰的是見到馬房管理正規化地操作, 及中心內
的馬匹狀況良好; 其中當然包括開心人。這位老朋友的眼神及身體語言像在告訴我: "我仍在這裡, 我憑強如鋼鐵的身驅及堅毅的意志生存了下來, 我現在沒礙了, 但這些年來很艱苦, 我老了。" 我一邊輕撫牠一邊細聲說: "老朋友, 不要担心, 他們会照顧你... 噩夢巳經過去, 今天外面陽光遍地, 放心吧..."
( 圖: 開心人1995 年遮打杯和 "有性格" 鬥至平頭冠軍; 其餘三幅攝於五星期前。贏遮打杯時毛色為深灰, 現巳近全白; 畢竟巳17 歲, 早年又得不到適當的照顧, 老了....据Alison King 說, 牠現在主要的工作, 只是給小童騎著由馬伕牽引行圈。)
在此順便為大家介紹一下現今的香港騎術中心。自兩年前由新管理層接手後, 該中心現巳成為一所具水平的騎術學校, 提供的服務除了認真的馬術學習課程, 亦有輕鬆的策騎消遣。中心共有15 匹經重訓及狀况良好的退役馬, 另有6 匹給兒童用的小馬。逢週未中心內設有燒烤設施供一家大小使用, 另外還可在大自然的環境裡與中心飼養的小動物近距离接触, 對於長期困於繁囂鬧巿的香港家庭 (特別是小孩), 絕對是個對身心俱有益處的體驗。詳情可致电 2488 6886 向 Cathy 查詢。(聲明: 筆者和該中心沒有任何利益關係, 中心亦未曾要求我為其作任何介紹。)
For this second issue of Old Friends, I would like to make an exception in that the subject is not a horse that I have ridden, although I have known him for many years. The subject is Survey King, a horse for whom I have a great amount of sympathy. He is now 17, and has for many years been a club horse for hire stabled at the Hong Kong Equestrian Center (formerly the oddly named HK Riding Union).
For racing fans who started in the mid 1990s, this former Champions and Chater Cup winner (1995) would not be a stranger. He arrived in Hong Kong as a private purchase (PP) during the 1992-3 racing season, and save for the first season was always racing in top company during his 4-season career, during which time he earned HKD6.5 million for his owner Mr. Mak (who now owns Survey Survey). In view of the much lower level of prize money in those days, what he achieved was impressive. After struggling for a whole season, he was retired not long after his last race in June 1996.
His owner, however, did not make any arrangements for his life after retirement. Like all horses that were effectively abandoned by their owners, he was sent to Beas Rivers. There he resided for a brief period, after which he was transfered to the former HK Riding Union, a public riding stable in Shek Kong. The HK Riding Union was poorly run, and its management lacked commitment and expertise in practically every aspect of equine and stable management. The place was appalling; and over the years Survey King has had his share of hardship and disasters together with the others that were stabled there. I remember how saddened I was by the sight of his poor mental and physical condition about 5 years ago, when I first visited the place out of curiosity.
Although quite unexpectedly, a change of luck occured about 2 years ago. By then a group of veteran ex-patriate equestrian professionals and enthusiasts had taken over the place and its management, and made various improvements to it. Renamed "Hong Kong Equestrian Center", I recently had the pleasure of re-visiting it at the invitation of Alison King, one of its new shareholders and Hong Kong's top dressage rider. Despite the absence of any major physical alteration, I distinctly sensed a refreshingly new lease of life throughout the facility and a budding equestrian culture that simply had not existed there before. And gratifyingly the horses there provided the reinforcement that my sensations were looking for. They were well looked after and in good physical condition, and mentally they seemed mostly relaxed; I could only imagine the amount of conscientious work that had to be put in to bring those that survived back to this state from the broken bodies and souls that they had been only just 2 years ago!
And there stood my old friend Survey King. His eyes and body language seemed to be saying: " I'm still here; with steely bones and fortitude I have survived... I'm ok now, but I'm also getting really old, those rough years have taken a toll on me." I stroked him gently along his forehead and muzzle, and whispered: " Don't worry old boy, you're now in good hands , the nightmare is over, it's a sunny day outside, you can relax now..."
(Photos: Survey King winning the 1995 Chater Cup, and at HK Equestrian Center 5 weeks ago. From the dark grey champion in 1995, age has turned his coat into all white. He looked older than his 17 years, most probably because of years of inadequate care in the past. According to Alison King, he is now only used for hand-lead children's ride.)
Hong Kong Equestrian Center
Since being taken over by the present management about 2 years ago, it has developed into a proper and professionally managed equestrian facility. It caters for both serious equestrian pursuit and lesisure riding experiences. There are 15 well trained school horses in good condition and 6 ponies for children. Group and private lessons from beginner level upwards with qualified instructors are available. The center also provides family BBQ packages on weekends as part of the natural outdoor experience that includes horses, ponies, and small farm animals. For those HK children that hardly ever get an opportunity to enjoy the splendour and learn the importance of nature, the weekend program could provide them with an entertaining as well as educational experience. For details call Cathy of the HK Equestrian Center on 2488 6886. (Statement: The blogowner has no interest in the HK Equestrian Center, nor has anyone there requested that I introduce it in this blog.)
Money Talks - Simply Magnificent! 金源 - 王者的風彩

每匹馬除了有不同的外形及毛色, 還有牠的獨特性格。在我的記憶中, 後者更堪回味、所佔位置亦更珍貴。說到個性, 我印像最深刻的是 "金源"。牠亦是我最懷念的馬匹之一。

那個暑假金源由我一人策騎, 負責牠曰後轉作馬術用途的基本訓練, 很多時連洗馬行街乾身都由我親手做。幾個月下來的相處, 使我對牠感到一份深厚的感情。牠在訓練過程中顯露出的忠誠和勇氣, 至今我仍能深深感受, 牠在馬房內外的那份尊嚴和温馴, 27 年後依然歷歷在目!
幾個月的暑假轉眼便過去, 我亦要回美國開學了。那時我每年只能於暑期回港, 兼且資訊遠不如今日般方便, 因此 在接著的一年中雖然很惦記著金源, 但對牠的情况卻不太清楚, 只知牠被一位英藉少女領養了作為私家馬。該少女名 Christine Whithey, 騎術不俗, 由她領養我亦大致放心。一年後的暑假終於再見到金源, 見牠體形圓胖了不少, 神色亦不俗, 顯示牠受到適當的照顏顧, 令我感到很欣慰。但那個夏天亦是我最後一次見到金源, 因為Christine 來自英軍家庭, 她的父母不久後將金源轉去在羅湖的英軍騎術俱樂部眷養。據聞幾年後金源因腳患被人道毁滅; 事實如何, 除非能找到 Christine, 否則在今天巳無從稽考。(我將嘗試翻查馬會獸醫部記綠, 如有資料將會在日後的張帖中告訴大家。)
幾個月的暑假轉眼便過去, 我亦要回美國開學了。那時我每年只能於暑期回港, 兼且資訊遠不如今日般方便, 因此 在接著的一年中雖然很惦記著金源, 但對牠的情况卻不太清楚, 只知牠被一位英藉少女領養了作為私家馬。該少女名 Christine Whithey, 騎術不俗, 由她領養我亦大致放心。一年後的暑假終於再見到金源, 見牠體形圓胖了不少, 神色亦不俗, 顯示牠受到適當的照顏顧, 令我感到很欣慰。但那個夏天亦是我最後一次見到金源, 因為Christine 來自英軍家庭, 她的父母不久後將金源轉去在羅湖的英軍騎術俱樂部眷養。據聞幾年後金源因腳患被人道毁滅; 事實如何, 除非能找到 Christine, 否則在今天巳無從稽考。(我將嘗試翻查馬會獸醫部記綠, 如有資料將會在日後的張帖中告訴大家。)
在賽馬世界裡有一句話: 一匹真正的冠軍 (champion) 是不受路程和場地局限或影响的。金源在 1972 至 1980 年間共跑了 46 場賽事, 在長期負 135 至 154 磅的情况下得14 勝 16 位, 取勝路程由975m 至 2230m, 場地包括軟爛乾快。牠在盛年過後卻能再闖高峰, 在1800m 以紀錄時擊敗當時的馬王永勝更是香港賽馬經典的一幕!
金源 - 一匹真正的 Champion, 實至名歸的王者 !
圖: 1) 金源 1980年6月剛退役不久攝於双魚河; 2) 我與金源於1980 年7 月某清晨; 3) 1981 年夏天, 退役一年後的金源; 4,5,6) 賽馬天下資料圖片
圖: 1) 金源 1980年6月剛退役不久攝於双魚河; 2) 我與金源於1980 年7 月某清晨; 3) 1981 年夏天, 退役一年後的金源; 4,5,6) 賽馬天下資料圖片
Apart from its different color and confirmation, however miniscule the difference may be, each horse has their unique personality and character. While looks could differentiate them, it's the latter that realy sets them apart. When it comes down to strength of character, there is no other in my recollection that was more substantial than the veteran champion Money Talks.

He arrived at Beas River in the beginning of the summer in 1980 after the ninth and final season of his career which started in HK 1972. I was the first person there to take him out for a ride. During that era Beas River was much less developed and had quite a bit more open space, and the concrete trail that led from the stables to the padocks was unnerving to almost all new arrivals. But not to Money Talks; he walked briskly and steadily, head held high with ears pricked forward, his handsome head swerving just slightly on occassions as he sized up his new surroundings. I had taken hundreds of horses through their maiden passage on this trail, but never did I feel such authority and confidence beneath me.
I spent that whole summer with Money Talks, taking him through the basics for his future career as an equestrian horse. As a labor of love, I often did the hosing and hot walking myself. My affection for him grew with each passing day.

That same summer also marked the last time I saw Money Talks. Christine's parents had military backgorund, and they decided to stable Money Talks at the Services Saddle Club at Lo Wu. I was still studying abroad. Several years later I heard he was put down due to leg problems. The only way I could find out the exact details is to track down Christine Whithey, or go into the Jockey Club's veterinary records, which I'll try (if the 1980s records are still being kept).
In racing we say that a real champion can win over any distance and on any going. Between 1972 and 1980, Money Talks ran 46 times for 12 wins and 16 placings, from 975m to 2230m, on fast, good, yielding, and heavy tracks. His comeback as an 8 year old in 1978 to beat another champion Super Win in record time over 1800m still remains one of the most classic and emotional moments in the history of HK racing.
Money Talks - not just a champion, but a magnificent champion!
Photos: 1) Not long after arriving at Beas River, May 1980; 2) Money Talks and I on an early summer morning; 3) One year later at Beas River, rounder and heavier; 4,5,6) Archive photos courtesy of Racing World Publications.
Halcyon Days 瀾漫歲月

I was inspired by the works of Barabara D. Livingston (http://www.barbaralivingston.com/) to start my own version of "Old Friends". In the halcyon days of my youth I spent a great deal of time at the Beas River Country Club, as well as several other now defunct public riding stables, practising and trying to improve my equestrian skills on ex-racehorses. Those were happy and carefree days; but it was also a rather solitary affair, as none of my family members were into horses, and neither were any of my schoolmates.
But none of that deterred me, and those places almost became a home away from home, so to speak, and I developed an affinity with just about every horse I rode or came across. I loved them all, and it always saddened me when one of them was mishandled by a rider, or had to be put down. I wished all of them could be put out to pasture where they could graze until the end, and that I had the clout and financial means to bring this about.
But none of that deterred me, and those places almost became a home away from home, so to speak, and I developed an affinity with just about every horse I rode or came across. I loved them all, and it always saddened me when one of them was mishandled by a rider, or had to be put down. I wished all of them could be put out to pasture where they could graze until the end, and that I had the clout and financial means to bring this about.
I had, for several years, a habit of taking a photograph of the horses I had ridden, and had accumulated a large number of them. After I saw the stunning works of Barbara Livingston, I pulled them out from the archives and started this blog. Memories crept in as I went through the photos, as my heart again felt that familiar pang.
Although the quality of the photos I took is a far-cry from that of the stunning images produced by Ms. Livingston, the underlying emotions are probably the same. I don't have a word that accurately describes this sentiment, save for the fact that it is a mixture of admiration, affection, nostalgia, and perhaps even sadness. Tomorrow I shall start this journey into the past with my all-time favourite champion: the magnificent Money Talks.
受到 Barbara Livingston (http://www.barbaralivingston.com/) 的薰陶, 使我萌生了建立 "昨日一族" 的念頭。因喜愛馬匹和騎術, 我年少時在馬會雙魚河會所及幾間現巳結業的公眾騎術俱樂部渡過了不少歡樂無憂的時光。即使沒有家庭成員及同學的參與, 卻半點也無礙我的樂趣, 更因此而結識了不少在馬房出入的陌生人; 這些人包括當時仍在學騎馬的告東尼及羅國洲及他們一夥人中的老大哥告達理、 失意的簡炳墀、老一輩賽馬名宿劉家嶙、洛德、及陳博等, 另外當然少不了那些輾轉來港仍操上海口音的資深馬伕。
從那時起, 我共曾騎過約 1,500 匹本港退役馬。我對每一匹都感到一份憐愛; 每當牠們之中有被人失當地策騎或須被人道毁滅時, 我都会感到憤怒和難過。心底裡總覺得牠們應獲放草終老, 更希望自己有足夠的影响力及財力將之變為事實。
曾經有幾年時間, 我會將騎過的馬拍照留存。看了Barabara Livingston 的作品後, 我把這批舊照從庫存中取了出來。在質素方面, 它們自不能與 Barbara Livingston 的作品相提並論, 但說到回憶的衝擊, 和勾起心俳間那層像失去老朋友般的感覺, 两者卻可謂異曲同工; 所不同的是 "昨曰一族" 是我親身的經歷, 亦因而更多一重懷念和傷感。
這個回到過去的旅程將於下期開始, 由實至名歸的馬王 "金源" 作啟航。
I had, for several years, a habit of taking a photograph of the horses I had ridden, and had accumulated a large number of them. After I saw the stunning works of Barbara Livingston, I pulled them out from the archives and started this blog. Memories crept in as I went through the photos, as my heart again felt that familiar pang.
Although the quality of the photos I took is a far-cry from that of the stunning images produced by Ms. Livingston, the underlying emotions are probably the same. I don't have a word that accurately describes this sentiment, save for the fact that it is a mixture of admiration, affection, nostalgia, and perhaps even sadness. Tomorrow I shall start this journey into the past with my all-time favourite champion: the magnificent Money Talks.
受到 Barbara Livingston (http://www.barbaralivingston.com/) 的薰陶, 使我萌生了建立 "昨日一族" 的念頭。因喜愛馬匹和騎術, 我年少時在馬會雙魚河會所及幾間現巳結業的公眾騎術俱樂部渡過了不少歡樂無憂的時光。即使沒有家庭成員及同學的參與, 卻半點也無礙我的樂趣, 更因此而結識了不少在馬房出入的陌生人; 這些人包括當時仍在學騎馬的告東尼及羅國洲及他們一夥人中的老大哥告達理、 失意的簡炳墀、老一輩賽馬名宿劉家嶙、洛德、及陳博等, 另外當然少不了那些輾轉來港仍操上海口音的資深馬伕。
從那時起, 我共曾騎過約 1,500 匹本港退役馬。我對每一匹都感到一份憐愛; 每當牠們之中有被人失當地策騎或須被人道毁滅時, 我都会感到憤怒和難過。心底裡總覺得牠們應獲放草終老, 更希望自己有足夠的影响力及財力將之變為事實。
曾經有幾年時間, 我會將騎過的馬拍照留存。看了Barabara Livingston 的作品後, 我把這批舊照從庫存中取了出來。在質素方面, 它們自不能與 Barbara Livingston 的作品相提並論, 但說到回憶的衝擊, 和勾起心俳間那層像失去老朋友般的感覺, 两者卻可謂異曲同工; 所不同的是 "昨曰一族" 是我親身的經歷, 亦因而更多一重懷念和傷感。
這個回到過去的旅程將於下期開始, 由實至名歸的馬王 "金源" 作啟航。
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